Blogs 2

Cee Mee Blog

  How Often Should You Workout?

As a NASM Certified Personal Trainer (as well as Nutrition Coach), I recommend working out at least 5 days a week. The reason for this being that is takes daily repetition to create muscle memory, as well as with forming habits.

It’s understandable that many of you have families and jobs and busy lifestyles- that may not always allow for you to spare any time. However, it’s imperative that you do. 

Why? Well, because for starters, you are worth it. And besides… a body in motion stays in motion- and vice versa- a body in stagnation, stays stagnant. 

Keeping your metabolism going is important for losing weight and maintaining a healthy body. 

How often you should workout will always be a biased and controversial subject. However, from my perspective- every little bit goes a long way. So long as you keep moving every day- you’re lapping those sitting on their couch. And believe you me, since Covid-19, more and more people are getting paid to do just that. 

For those of you just starting out, remember this. Slow and steady always wins the race. Taking on too much too fast can confuse your body’s inner mechanics, as well as create fatigue much quicker. You must slowly adjust your body to such a new active lifestyle. 

For intermediate and experienced trainees- your body is by now already accustomed to working out, so maintaining that standard is essential.

When you workout, you are changing your body’s inner mechanics. Kind of like putting them on a schedule. The more you workout, the more your body’s inner mechanics get used to your schedule, however, in contrast… the less frequent you are with working out- the more you begin to confuse your body. Hence why you may find yourself fluctuating. To avoid fluctuations, it is optimal to consistently workout- to ensure that your body runs smoothly. 




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