Blogs 2

Cee Mee Blog

  Re-Program Your Brain

Disclaimer: this is not for those who are afraid of change.

Our body reacts to our mind. That which you say is that which you think. That which you think is that which you feel. That which you feel is that which you come to believe. That which you believe in is that which you do. That which you do is, essentially, that which you become.

Your actions define you. Your actions are based off your thoughts, which is based off of your beliefs, which is based off of your feelings, which is based off of your thoughts, which is based off of your words you speak. 

To think that words have immense power is powerful.

Growing up, our parents raise us to the best of their ability, using their personal upbringing as an outline and guide. As we all know, there is no genuine guidebook on how to live life- although there are many biased opinions. We tend to take it day by day and figure it out as we go along. Although that is not to say that you can’t think steps ahead- because when thought correctly, that can be done (except one must always plan for times to change in the long run/future and plan accordingly).  

As a child, I used to disagree with the way my parents raised me. Not to say I agree with their choices now, but… I will admit, as a parent myself now, that I understand their perspective now.

Parents are just two people figuring out life, and for some odd reason, kids expect them to have all the answers and be perfect- when, it quite is not.

The first step is genuinely wanting to be your best self. Knowing and feeling this way takes clarity and growth spiritually. When you’ve reached this first step, you understand that the reason you are who you are, the reason you act the way you do, the reason you do what you do is because of how you were raised.




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